Title 24 & Green Power Energy standards for residential & non-residential buildings
About the current and new standards (in development) Title 24, Part 6, of the California Code of Regulations are Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Non-residential Buildings that were established in 1978 in response to a legislative mandate to reduce California’s energy consumption. The standards are updated periodically to allow consideration and possible incorporation of new energy efficiency technologies and methods. Primary means for reducing energy use is to limit allowable lighting power in a building.
Boca Lighting and Controls is committed to compliance with industry and relevant standards as well as to best practices.
Consult with Boca on specific projects).
2008 Standards – Effective January 1, 2010
2008 Standards went into effect January 1, 2010, and supersede the 2005 Standards.
Projects that apply for a building permit on or after this date must comply with the 2008 Standards Protection Agency. Further details and links to standards available at – http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24
Green Power LED Lighting is by Far the Most Green-Oriented Source of Illumination. There is a growing awareness of the energy-efficiency benefits of LEDs, and an adoption trend should continue through the end of the decade. The U.S. Department of Energy has, especially since 2005, spent millions of dollars intended to progress the growth of LED lighting. Environmental Protection Agency – Green Power.
Department of Energy on LED Lighting
While there are many technical unknowns today, the results of the past few years suggest that there are no fundamental reasons why these (LED) light sources can’t achieve efficiencies 10-12X that of incandescent lamps, and 2X that of fluorescent lamps.
The energy saving prospect is huge. When SSL reaches these efficiencies, the U.S. will save annually the output of about 30 large power plants, or about 6-7% of our country’s total electrical energy usage. This will result in a savings of $17 billion in annual electrical costs (at 2003 rates). Accompanying environmental benefits are large, and include a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 155 million tons, and about a million tons in combined nitrous oxides and sulfur dioxide.
The US DOE (Department of Energy) predicts that LED technology will continue on a steep development curve of greater efficiency and lower costs. The DOE estimates that within 4 years, LED efficacy will be over 100 lm/w and total LED revenues in the signage industry will be over $5 billion. Unlike neon or fluorescent systems, LED systems are class two rated and can use lighter gauge wire, connectors, wire nuts, etc. for cost savings and ease of installation.
Boca is Aligned with Industry Standards & Best Practices Championed by the EPA & Green Power Partnership. Boca is one of the few companies whose combination of advanced products and responsible practices are positioned at the forefront of the Greening of America.
Exceptions include some temporary and qualified historic buildings.
Residential requirements mandate Boca products conform to (or most often exceed) the lighting power values for applicable categories, specific task areas and performance.